08 March 2011

It's a Fat Fat Tuesday

After a bust of an errand running afternoon, the day redeemed itself with a lovely Fat Tuesday meal.  The table was set and these two sat down early and proceeded to bicker like an old married couple.  
Much to the entertainment and delight of the rest of the family.  Which is to say, they were ticked about something and we just laughed at them!

I came up with a great plan this evening.  One that will make my life infinitly easier in years to come . . . so long as I survive until then.
Teach Grace to cook!  Then I won't have to!  (Actually, I like to cook, but wouldn't it be nice to have options??)
This is Grace presenting her Mardi Gras cake, before we rolled it up.  It was delish!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So funny!