11 May 2009

Cowboys, Indians, and a Damsel with Blue Nail Polish

What a long day! Mondays are always a bit long, due to the fact that Andrew has class and doesn't get home until after 10. But today was a particularly long Monday, since Chrisopher was sick and I am not feeling up to par myself. That being the case, we spent a long day inside, with a small respite on the sunny front steps at mid-day.

My parents stopped by in the evening to say goodbye (they are heading overseas for a few weeks. Jealous? why yes, I am!). They were swindled by some big brown eyes and ended up taking the clan out to get cap guns and sparkly nail polish. So they bid fairwell to some happy little campers. And I spent the evening listening to gun shots in my living room.

And now I am here, trying to convince some little people that sleep is, in fact, a wonderful thing. Why don't they believe me??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will be back before you know it.....with lots of love and TREATS!

lOVE, Mama