27 February 2007

The other night, Grant called to tell us that everyone was going bowling. So we bundled the kids up, braved the ice storm and went bowling. It was GREAT fun. I had some really great pictures that I was going to post on here for all to see. I even uploaded them to the laptop. But the internet wasn't working that night, so they never got posted.

And now everything is gone.

I apologize to everyone who was going to come over on Monday for the "Lady Comp Luncheon." Can we reschedule? I'll call everyone.

24 February 2007

LOVE the ice storm!!

We spent the day cleaning. Ugh. But now I feel a little better, because the house had gotten out of control. Now, it's not perfect, but it is certainly better!

One thing I did today that was a major accomplishment was to put the kids out grown clothes into the attic. I hate doing that. I think it might be the saddest thing that mother have to do! Folding all those little clothes and packing them away because their little owner can no longer use them. *sigh*

And on the topic of kids growing to fast . . . Grace got her first hair cut the other day! Her hair was getting so long that the little curls were disappearing. She only got about an inch cut off, but now those little curls "poing" right up and bounce around! So Cute!
And since I promised more pictures when I switched to blogger, here is a pic of our boys in front of the new fire place at my parents. A cozy picture for such a cold day!

23 February 2007

For a good laugh and a healthy dose of Holy Terror, go here. This woman is what my mother would have become if my dad hadn't saved her!!

20 February 2007

It was an enormously fat Tuesday this year. Christopher started the day appropriatly with a pancake the size of his plate (at his request). Amazingly, he ate almost the entire thing. And he didn't even know it was Fat Tuesday! I took a picture, but of course I left my camer a at home (I am posting at my parents).

So, Lent starts tomorrow. Lent is a funny time of year, really. It really makes you appreciate the whole Catholic idea that God allows suffering and that through our suffering, we appreciate all that He has given us even more.

There is something "fun" about Lent. I don't mean that Holy idea that suffering is so great and it brings us closer to God. I wish I could be Holy enough to think like that, but alas, I am not. I mean the whole commraderie that comes along with observing Lent. Knowing that we are all hungry together on Ash Wednesday, knowing that we are all eating Tuna Casserole on Friday night, understanding why your friends have no beer to offer you (haha). It is a sense of all being in this together that makes it fun, in a not so fun way. And it is this that makes gordging yourself on Fat Tuesday and Pharisee Runs at midnight all the more exciting.

18 February 2007

We have eaten far to much food today. Is it bad to spend your Sundays being gluttonous -- we did spend it with family after all. We had a great brunch at my mom and dad's. Delish food it the wonderful new kitchen and relaxation by the fire in the not so new living room. Then we had dinner at the Antonio's.

We watched "Throw Down with Bobby Flay" TWICE because both parents had to see the Philly Cheese Steak competition. Funny stuff. Now Andrew wants to be fat and get tattoos so that he can become Lafayette's famous food guru.

Isn't that a friendly greeting? I told you it was easier to post images here! I think we will all appreciate this little change in format.
Over time I hope to transfer my old LJ posts over to here. That way, at least for my own sake, they will all be in one place.